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Subscribe to this list via RSS Blog posts tagged in RIDA DBT6400

The RIDA DBT6400 2D area imager is a cordless device with Bluetooth® wireless technology to be used in connection with mobile devices. The elegant and stylish design is small, pocket-sized and fits perfectly into the palm of a hand.

This ultra-compact area imager is capable of reading virtually any 1D or 2D bar code and ensures outstanding performance on mobile phone screens.

Datalogic's RIDA™ DBT6400 cordless imager with Bluetooth wireless technology is the ideal workmate for connection with mobile devices. The imager is a small, ergonomic, perfectly hand-fitted wireless device with a modern and elegant design.

The RIDA DBT6400 imager pairs easily with Android™, Apple® iOS and Windows® Mobile® devices as well as standard laptops equipped with Bluetooth wireless technology. This imager reads 1D and 2D bar codes, damaged or poorly printed codes and bar codes on mobile phone screens. Its main features include image capture capability, white illumination and the most efficient aiming system in the market place.


  • Image capture capability
  • Outstanding reading performance on 1D/2D printed codes or on mobile phone screens
  • Bluetooth wireless technology
  • Compatible with Android, Apple iOS and Windows Mobile devices
  • Batch Mode capability: +2,000 linear codes stored in memory
  • The compact size and light weight form factor of this mobile imager offers freedom of movement while scanning.

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